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Yulia Nekrasova
Thu Sep 21 2023

Bigo Live Case Study

The Client

Bigo Live is an exceptional live-streaming app facilitating seamless connections between users worldwide. Its intuitive interface and extensive features provide an unparalleled platform for sharing talents, interests, and real-time daily experiences.

The app boasts diverse live content, including music performances, gaming sessions, cooking tutorials, and more. Live chats, virtual gifts, and collaborations encourage interaction, fostering a lively community.

Bigo Live also creates lucrative opportunities for content creators to monetize their content through virtual gifting and brand partnerships. Whether you're a content creator or a viewer, Bigo Live offers an immersive and dynamic experience that connects people from all walks of life in a captivating and engaging manner.

Stage 2

Week 1 - Week 2

Collecting Data & Reaching CPI


A/B Test, Collect Data & Reach CPI


In 2021, we conducted A/B tests and carefully analyzed the results to gather valuable insights and set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

After a few weeks of testing, we established our terms of cooperation and KPI: RR d1 > 27%.

The client had specific guidelines for creatives, and we worked closely with them to ensure that all creatives met their standards. Our dedicated team always produces high-quality work and prioritizes the client's input.

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Stage 2

Week 3 - Week 11

Increase The Number of Users, Reach KPI


To Increase the Number of Users and Reach KPIs


During our work on the Bigo Live project, we faced the challenge of capturing the attention of a European audience that was unfamiliar with the product, unlike the well-established reputation it had in Asia.

To overcome this hurdle, we were willing to explore various creative approaches. One tactic we experimented with was personalized advertising to entice new users. Below, you can look at some of the creatives we created.

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We faced another challenge when promoting Bigo Live on popular social media platforms like Facebook and TikTok, thanks to the respective rules of these platforms that we were unable to comply with. Despite this hurdle, we launched our campaign on various Ad networks instead.

Our team worked hard to design video creatives that showcased an individual's unique personality. This approach was highly successful in attracting an audience of 5,000 new users daily.

We enjoyed working with Bigo Live, among many other entertainment-based clients. Interestingly, our approach to this project completely differed from our TikTok clients.

Stage 3

Week 12 - Week 27

Increase The Number of Users, Traffic Optimization, and Change Creative Strategy


Increase the Number of Users, Optimize Traffic, Find and Test New Creative Approaches


During our third stage of working with the client, we faced some challenges when they introduced stricter guidelines for creatives, forcing us to pivot our strategy and develop new campaigns that adhered to the new set of conditions.

Specifically, the client prohibited us from using before/after comparisons and location-based advertising, such as searches for people or meeting friends nearby. They also requested that we avoid using certain emojis, including those that resembled swimsuits or kisses.

Our KPI was retention rate, so we prioritized meeting the client's conditions to ensure their satisfaction and success.

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Stage 4

Week 28 - Week 47

Planning and Growth & Keeping KPIs with Active User Downtime


To Increase Traffic Volumes, Reach New Audiences, and Increase the number of users


We completed our tasks successfully, and the new creatives performed just as well as the old ones. Our main goal was to increase traffic, which we achieved through scaling. Our approach involved creating numerous new campaigns and increasing campaign budgets and bids.

However, we encountered an issue where the quality of iOS users was not as good as that of Android users. Therefore, we shifted our focus to Android users. As a result, we were able to attract more than 240,000 new users for the client throughout our year-long partnership.

Partnering with Bigo Live Helped Us Achieve Our Challenging KPIs with Success

Our team has extensive experience in different cooperation models and can tailor our approach to meet specific KPIs. We specialize in developing innovative strategies to expand audience reach.

We recently had the chance to work on a social media project that helped us better understand the industry. Our Mobihunter team successfully met a challenging KPI for a client by working closely with Bigo Live and dedicating ourselves to achieving the desired outcomes.